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Nondisclosure Agreement

This Non- Disclosure Agreement is made on this _____ of,20__, by and between 5 Core Digital
Markeng("Recipient") and _____________________("Disclosing Party").
WHEREAS, the Disclosing Party possesses certain proprietary and confidenal informaon related to its
business, including but not limited to its customer data, credenals, trade secrets, and other confidenal
informaon (collecvely, the "Confidenal Informaon");
WHEREAS, the Recipient desires to receive access to the Confidenal Informaon for the purpose of
conducng businesses with the Disclosing party and use the data to further improve their business.

NOW, THEREFORE, the pares agree as follows:

  • Confidenal Informaon. The Disclosing Party agrees to provide access to the confidenal informaon to the Recipient solely for conducng business with the Disclosing Party and their prospects. The Recipient agrees to use the Confidenal Informaon confidenal and not to disclose the informaon to any third party without the prior consent of the Disclosing Party
  • Use of Confidenal Informaon. The Recipient agrees to take all necessary precauons to protect the Confidenal Informaon from unauthorized disclosure, including but not limited to, keeping the Confidenal Informaon in a secure locaon(Physical or Virtual) and liming access to the Confidenal Informaon to only those employees or agents who have a need to copy, reproduce, distribute, or otherwise disclose the Confidenal Informaon except as expressly permied in this agreement
  • Term. This Agreement shall remain in effect for a period of three(3) years from the date of execuon of this Agreement unless otherwise agreed in wring by the pares
  • Return of Confidenal Informaon. Upon request by the Disclosing Party, the Recipient shall promptly return all the Confidenal Informaon to the Disclosing Party, including all copies, extracts, summaries, or other reproducons thereof.
  • Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and constructed in accordance with the laws of the states
  • Enre Agreement. This Agreement contains the enre understanding of the pares and supersedes all prior negoaons, understandings, and agreements between the pares concerning the confidenal informaon.
  • Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constute one and the same instrument.

Please note- In the event that the Recipient is required by law or regulaon to disclose any Confidenal
Informaon, the Recipient is bound to share confidenal informaon with law enforcement agencies as
required by law or regulaon

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pares have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.